It turned out to be a large hole in the border. The main team all had to extend their shift to close it properly, as the second shift was but straight on testing the other parts of the border for similar faults. He was relieved that it was not his job to fix or to design the border in the first place. For tonight someone would be getting a rather unpleasant visit from the EncFo. Mistakes were tolerated. Minor bugs viewed as regular occurrences. But a major re-working of the border this late in the cycle?
His test had gone pretty well, everything behaving as it should - except for the "incident" - and he could look forward to new and long runs over the next days. Provided that the main team got the border back up. Otherwise everyone would be on training and design for the time it took. And that would probably mean EncFo would make another visit.
...and he said nothing, just sat there